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Green Oaks Primary Academy


Following our recent inspection on 28th and 29th January 2025, I am thrilled to inform you that Green Oaks Primary Academy has retained its good judgement. We are all very pleased with the outcome of the inspection and the content of the report. The inspector was very complimentary about our school and pupils.

This inspection was a two-day, section 8 inspection, designed to re-affirm a school’s grading following its previous section 5 inspection. For us, this was October 2018.

A summary of the feedback we received:

  • Pupils are happy and enjoy school. They like and respect their teachers, and listen to one another.
  • Teachers engage pupils in learning successfully and develop their confidence.
  • The school has high expectations of pupils, and pupils rise to meet these.
  • Pupils take on leadership responsibilities, including as members of the elected school council, to make decisions about school life.
  • They study subjects in depth and eagerly write at length in subjects outside of English.
  • Staff have appropriate subject knowledge that they use well to support pupils in their learning.
  • Teaching often checks that pupils understand their learning and that they retain key knowledge.
  • Pupils work sensibly in class and listen.
  • The school has responded rapidly to the increasing proportion of pupils in the school who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
  • The school organises educational outings that help pupils connect what they have learned in school to the world around them.

Parent View

Parent View is an online questionnaire that allows parents and carers to give their views about their child’s school at any time. It is also the main mechanism for parents to give their views about their child’s school to inspectors at the time of a school inspection.

The questionnaire can be accessed directly from the Parent View site at or from the home page of Ofsted website at