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Green Oaks Primary Academy

English - Reading


What does Reading look like in our ACORN curriculum – INTENT & IMPLEMENTATION 

A: Children access ambitious texts whether shared by passionate teachers, or chosen independently to inspire them to develop a love of reading.  They are given opportunities to listen to, read and share a wide range of texts. We nurture our pupils to develop a positive, amazing attitude to reading which helps them understand more about the world around them both locally and globally

C: Reading texts have been added to the curriculum to introduce balance, reflecting the cultural diversity, heritage and differences of our school.  Our texts have been chosen to allow children to identify with key characters and events. 

O: Reading activities include verbal discussion opportunities to develop their bank of vocabulary building their oracy. The implementation of discussion and rehearsal will feed into their written word providing our pupils with the key communication skills they will need in the future. The teaching part of all lessons introduce key vocabulary (sticky words) which children are encouraged to use during discussions and weave into any written outcomes. 

R:  Children are given the opportunity to make links and understand the relationships of how literature has shaped our history and contributes to our culture. Pupils are encouraged to understand the importance of reading giving them knowledge to debate and discuss.  Throughout lessons there are opportunities to work collaboratively to discuss thoughts and opinions. Adults will teach them how to co-operate respectfully, empathetically and with kindness

N: Children are encouraged to create access high quality texts and read regularly. We want all pupils to be ambitious in their reading and understand that it is a key skill for life.  Our pupils will be taught to be resilient and that by reading regularly and accessing a wide range of authors and genres it will develop them as more knowledgeable young person.  We want them to be confident to respond to discussions around topics they may have read and be able to question further to help them navigate the world around them. 



By the time pupils leave Green Oaks, they will enjoy reading for pleasure, be able to confidently read, understand and discuss texts that they have read.  They will have experienced a broad range of literature and authors.  Children will have a wealth of knowledge from their reading that they will be able to retrieve as they continue their journey.  


When I read something, I feel like it is a bit like a movie. I think it’s better to read the book because you get to imagine what things are like.” 

“Reading is important because it helps us learn new words and loads of other things about the whole world. If we didn’t do it, we wouldn’t be able to explore different places.” 

“I like it when my teacher reads, she does loads of different voices.”