Wellbeing and Mental Health
Miss Charlotte Johnson is our Senior Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead at Green Oaks Primary Academy.
We are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
Useful videos
Useful links
A charity dedicated to improving children’s mental health
Mind Helplines and listening services
A guide which explains what mental health crisis services are available, how they can help and when to access them.
Mind Northamptonshire offer support for 18+. As community connectors we offer groups and 121 support to help with personal development. This support with be at Northampton Mind Anchor house, 6-7 regents square, Northampton NN1 2NQ.
Support for adults
NHS mental health - information and support
MIND - helpline, signposting and crisis support
Samaritans - call 116 123 for free, 24/7 support
Support for young people
Childline - for information or advice call 08001111
Young Minds - for immediate support text YM to 85258 for free, 24/7 support
Samaritans - call 116 123 for free, 24/7 support
Shout - for immediate support text SHOUT to 85258 for free, 24/7 support
The Mix - offers free e-mail support, 1-2-1 webchat service and free short-term counselling
Support for parents/carers
Action for Children - Parent Talk
Young Minds - Parent helpline and webchat
Here are the latest top 10 tips to help maintain good wellbeing and mental health.
1. Routine
Try and keep to some sort of routine throughout the week. We all love to lie in but getting up at a normal time will help you feel better and give you the rest of the day to enjoy and complete any tasks you may have.
2. Keep talking
It is difficult not being able to see friends and family however social media when used appropriately can be an extremely good way of keeping in touch with those you love! Always remember to be kind.
3. Exercise
There is a reason why the government is allowing us to exercise, this is because it is an excellent way to maintain good mental and physical health. This might be going for a walk, run, Joe Wicks workout, football in your garden.
4. Set yourself a project
Now is a great time to set yourself a challenge to achieve over time. It might be a craft, reorganising your bedroom, doing things for others, gardening or learning something new.
5. Sleep
A good nights sleep is really important in feeling well the next day. So put your phones away at a set time and aim to get 7- 8 hours minimum each night.
6. Healthy eating
Eating sensibly will help our body and minds to stay active and healthy. Remember to drink lots of water and try where possible to have a balanced diet.
7. Limit news content
Coronavirus news is everywhere! Often newspapers and the media can make us worry and become anxious. It is ok to stay in touch with what is going on from trustworthy sources but limit how much you do this!
8. Take time to relax
You have more time on your hands than you are used to. It is a perfect time to spend time with your family in your household, watch a movie, listen to music, read a book, draw or paint.
9. Keep your mind active
Doing a daily activities, reading, puzzles, quiz or your school work are all examples of great ways to keep your mind active and engaged.
10. Do something for others
What better way to make ourselves feel good than by doing something to help others feel good! This could be helping with shopping, fundraising, writing a letter to those who a vulnerable