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Nursery Admissions

Green Oaks Primary Academy Nursery offers the following places for children who are aged 3 or over (they can start in the term after their third birthday) :

  • Full day (08:45-15:30) subject to a 30-hour eligibility code (extended funding) 30 hours additional childcare | West Northamptonshire Council ( or the use of the 'Childcare Grant Payment Service' (partner of Student Finance England) or payment of £77.50 per week (this cost includes 5 sessions (additional to your free 5 sessions) and 5 lunch sessions and MUST be paid in advance half termly via parentpay).
  • Part-time (AM 08:45-11:45 Mon-Fri or PM 12:30-15:30 Mon-Fri) places.

All Children are entitled to a 15-hour free place (either 5 morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions - please note we cannot offer a mixture of these sessions.)

Parents are able to purchase (via parent-pay) additional sessions - subject to availability.

Children who attend the Nursery full-time are asked to pay a supplementary cost for lunchtime provision at a cost of £3.50 per child per day as this is not covered by the extended funding. This is paid via our online payment system, ParentPay, and a packed lunch from home will need to be provided if your child is staying for lunch.  We request that where this cost is not paid, your child goes home for lunch before returning for the afternoon session.

To apply for a place, please complete the application form below and email to, post or bring to the academy office.

You will be notified by email once allocations are processed to inform you if we are/are not able to allocate your child a place, and to give you the option of remaining on our waiting list.

Admissions for 3 & 4 year olds take place in September, January and April pending available places.

Children that are allocated a place will be notified of a ‘Transition Day’ when your child can visit the nursery with you, and meet the staff and get a feel for their new surroundings.

Please be aware that attending our nursery does not guarantee a place in the Academy’s Reception class. A Local Authority application form must be completed and returned to the Local Authority as per their deadline.

Please see below further information about our nursery. You can also contact the academy office on 01604 715249 for further details. Please send completed application forms to